Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Airphibian Story - Worlds First Flying Car

What if Physics is a LIE because the BEE knows best ...

View to the future - predict Alois Irlmaier part1

Bumble Bees, Levitation and Earth's Magnetic Grid. (Ralph Ring) (Grebenikov)

Published on Mar 6, 2014
Ralph Ring explains how bumble bees really "fly" or rather levitate. Like today's air traffic which travels along predefined invisible highways, bumble bees do the same, however they use the invisible magnetic grid lines of the Earth maintaining perfect flight paths like magnetic trains, no matter the weather. Travel distance while ignoring closer food sources seems to also show that their destinations are based on calculated harmonic points within this grid.

In the video Ralph Ring mistakenly states that the frequency is 8.5Hz however in another interview he states it to be the "Schumann Resonance". This resonance is the Earth's rotational frequency due to it's spin and is measured on today's devices as 7.83Hz.

However, Bruce Cathie states that due to the magnetic grid lines of the Earth this 7.83 figure is incorrect as it is not related to "light", which is the force which initiates spin on all matter, thus frequency. To get the correct frequency one must convert these figures to a curved measurement as nothing in Nature operates in a straight line. Taking the current straight line value of 864,000 seconds in one day against the curved arc seconds of the Earth's Grid of 97,200 of one day, it gives you a difference of 0.8888. So you need to convert all "human" measures to "curved light", 7.83 * 0.8888 = 6.95, which equals the exact value for the reciprocal of the harmonic speed of light on the Earths surface at the equator. (1/1439 = 0.000694927032662).

See the research of Bruce Cathie for more understanding.


Book: Tomorrow's Energy, Need Not Be Fuel - By Arthur Aho.

"Natural science is the practice of working WITH nature. More specifically this means working in cooperation with local forces of our Earth and Sun, as well as other, more subtle Life forces. ... These natural sciences, strangely enough, enjoy the least prestige as a science, even though they supply us with our most necessary and urgent commodities such as food, fuel and many other resources involving the very essense of Life...."'s-...