Sunday, January 29, 2017

Mark Passio On Donald Trump & Satanic Pedophiles In Government NEW Must ...

ACTUAL Americans talk to Shia's Commie Cam

Doctor Who Did 1,200 Abortions Tells Congress to Ban Them! MIRROR

Michael Tsarion - The Nephilim(Fallen Angels)Rule the World

Trump, Marches, and Psyops Operations to Divide The World

Trump, Marches, and Psyops Operations to Divide The World

From an enlightened perspective Trump is the right man for the job and has the backing of the Higher Dimensionals, Angelic and Ascended Masters. If people had mastered their own personal God connection there would be no marches especially those inciting violence. Now that I have gotten your attention - probably pissed off quite a few - take a deep breath, suspend your egos with all their programming and misinformation, wounds and traumas being acted out vicariously and listen.
Did you take that deep breath? Now take about three more.
This is not about "what abouts". Most of the "what about this and that" are part of a grand psyops program carried out by the DNC, CIA funded by George Soros and others in the elite. It is the classic divide and conquer, order through chaos and the chaos we are now experiencing is by design. We don’t need a Gandhi right now we need a warrior. The Gandhi will come later after the clean up.
There is a transdimensional war going on far beyond most people’s ability to perceive. There are unseen negative influences; which are the masterminds behind the political puppets. It is a multilevel swamp; which definitely needs to be drained. The ones screaming the loudest in the political arena are the ones that are guilty of heinous crimes against humanity. One of their tactics is to accuse others of what they themselves are doing. They use the agencies, the press, and sponsor various political groups to do their bidding. This includes the talking heads in the lame stream fake news media owned and controlled by the very same dark forces seen and unseen.
Trump is taking something on so dark, so deceitful, moving into the levels of demonic that most people would cower in disbelief if it were to reveal itself.
Many will find the very leaders and icons they have been following are deeply rooted in evil. Pizza Gate, Pedogate, the satanic blood rituals including child trafficking and sacrifice are real. This includes Hollywood and the music industry both replete with satanic and decadent rituals. This is not on Trump's side of the fence. If you are marching for Hillary, the pay to play deception, the continuation of the war and disease profiteering then you have fallen into the psyop. Compared to this group Trump is a saint, although I am sure he is not perfect as none of us are.
I am all for equality, women’s rights etc. yet let's not muddy the water and create a toxic soup that has little to do with women’s rights. Let's separate the Russian hacking and use a little logic. The polls are not online. The electrical grid is not online. So how can they be hacked? There is a big difference between a leak and a hack. The Wikileaks information was leaked - not a hack - concerning the affairs and wrong doings of the DNC and the Clintons. The previous British Ambassador admitted he was the one who turned the information over to Julian Assange from a disgruntled official in the DNC. He was given the information most likely by Seth Rich who was murdered, found shot several times in the back adding to a long history of deaths connected to the Clintons. So with this information now how could there be a hack and how can they blame the Russians? What does this have to do with Trump? This is just one of many false accusations and diatribes against Trump.
Not one person in any of the agencies will testify under oath it was the Russians who hacked the election or the grid. Do you know why? Because lying to Congress is instant jail unless you are the Clintons - then the rules don’t apply. Why can the Clintons lie to Congress?....because they control most of the politicians, the DOJ and other agencies. That will soon be rectified. How can the politicians continuously spew out false information knowing it is a lie? It is what politicians do. They also are deeply involved in many of the beyond sick activity now coming to the surface. Everything from bribes and blackmail to murder, pedophilia and satanic blood rituals. Of course they are going to pull out all the stops to stop Trump - their careers and their lives depend on it.
It is time for a little critical thinking. Why are you blaming Trump for this mess and condemning him before he even has a chance? What did the last administration do for you? A better question is what have they done to you. If you knew the answer to either question you would not take to the streets other than support of Trump. Considering what he is up against a lot of support and a little slack is in order. It is time for the Stockholm syndrome to end. Break out of the spell and stop fearing change. Do you want everything to continue as it has? Are you in support of the gross negligence, corruption, unbridled greed and the lust for power? Are you in favor of the war and disease profiteers to continue business as usual? Do you support murder, child trafficking, and satanic blood rituals? I am all for taking to the streets if Trump becomes a Hitler - yet the truth of the matter is you have already been under at least three Hitlers. Hitlary included. Calling Trump Hitler is a diatribe created by the very people with the most to loose. Those flourishing in the swamp.
The protesters are being played like a fiddle. They drank the CNN cool aid. Their own unhealed wounds and traumas are being played upon and are being acted out vicariously against a fictitious enemy. I watched emotional dramas being acted out without any foundation of truth to back them. Signs like Russian traitor, Stop Hitler etc. Hollywood actors deeply embedded in the swamp making false statements with absolutely no foundation, they are actors remember. Some actors I have lost all respect for because of their ignorance and allegiance to the dark side. There are three categories many fit into, naive, ignorant or evil. Most just follow the leader or succumb to star power - being critical thinking challenged. I watched people protesting that did not even know why. I watched young men throw rocks, bottles, anything they could get their hands on at police then walk up and taunt them acting out gestures of persecution. I must say this is one of the times I sided with the police and had no problem with them taking care of business. Fortunately most kept their cool.
All I can say is the fluoride in the water and the chemtrails are working. The separation game played by the illuminati creating chaos worldwide is working. The pitting races against each other is working. The mind control projects are working even more than one suspects. The good news is they still are not working enough. The rapidly loosing ground worldwide. Their tactics are being exposed along with their past deeds. The world is waking up. The call for freedom and Universal Law is heard around the world. The enslavers are being unmasked and now the people need to look at the world with fresh eyes. Not the mindsets and programs from the past.
It is time for personal research, critical thinking, establishing ones own personal inner guidance.
Do not depend on outside sources for truth. Learn to trust and lead yourselves from your own heart and soul. Have you been lied to in the past? How much of those lies have influenced your decision making process? Are you afraid to look at the conspiracy facts? The FBI and NYPD files on your past leadership would make a grown man cry. Do you want this to continue? It is time to discern why and who you are marching for because you very well may be supporting the very things and people you’re against once the truth comes out and the masks come down.
There will be a lot of dramas playing out as these new waves of energy push everything to the surface. Some will heal internally, some will need external lessons. Some will own their emotions and experiences, others will project and blame. It is all about personal responsibility from here on out. Best advice I can give is to set boundaries, hold sacred space and be open to new ideas and information yet always use discernment. Nothing is as it seems, and you never know a person's cards until they play them. Do not fall for Star Power, Religious Power, Political Power - the real power is within you. It always has been. Get out of everyone else’s sand box and take care of your own kitty litter.
The real power is within you. It always has been.....
You have my permission to send this far and wide.

The Truth About Trump's 'Muslim Ban'

Monday, January 23, 2017

The Charles Bukowski Tapes 1985 Part 1

Why Obama Did Not Pardon Clinton, SR 1446

Obama: A Legacy of Ashes

Shia LaBeouf “He Will Not Divide Us” Rant - Trump Meltdown

"Assassinate Donald Trump" Threats Are Flooding Social Media

Charles Bukowski - Bluebird

Your Life is Your life: Go all the way - Charles Bukowski

The laughing heart (Tom Waits reads a Charles Bukowski poem)

Alain Soral on Feminism, subtitled.

Trump’s Trip to CIA – Director Brennan Exposed - SR 1445

Cooking Food With Sunshine - Off-Grid Solar Cooker Oven

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Tibetans protest against's Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to UN Ge...

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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Question: Rinpoche, who do you think are the greatest hopes as leaders of the Buddhadharma in the future?

Question: Rinpoche, who do you think are the greatest hopes as leaders of the Buddhadharma in the future?
Answer: That’s a very important question. I don’t know much about what’s happening in Theravada Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, or the Chinese Mahayana Buddhist traditions. And the little I know about Tibetan Buddhism is totally my own narrow one-sided projection and opinion.
But as a follower of the Buddha, I do worry about the future of Buddhism. The next generation of young Tibetan Buddhist leaders need to do a lot better than they presently are if they are to help secure that future. And when I say “young” leaders, I obviously just mean younger than me.
When I look around, two who really stand out for me are Khenpo Tsultrim Lodro and Khenpo Sodargye of Serta Larung. I did not grow up with them and have no personal familiarity with them. But over the years, they have both really grabbed my attention.
In fact, when I talk about these two, even from my narrow biased perspective, I do hope people will pay some attention. I am arrogant, proud and very jealous and competitive. So coming from me, people should really take it to heart when I say I have only the highest regard for these two khenpos, because I do not say such things lightly or easily.
Too often these days, we hear of young emerging tulkus in ways that initially fill us with hope, only to hear something later that makes us want to avoid even being near them. Yet these two khenpos have really demonstrated their worth for some time now. Their fame, reputation and the sheer number of their followers are enough to corrupt anyone who is corruptible. But that doesn’t seem to be happening. Aside from some envious remarks from a few jealous people, I haven’t even heard anything dodgy about these two.
They are obviously learned, but they also seem to ‘walk the talk’ and truly live what they preach. Besides, they don’t have tag names like “holiness” or “high reincarnate lama” and they are not born into special, privileged families. Rather, their incredible achievements in study, practice and teaching are entirely through their dedication and tireless work for the Buddhadharma.
I genuinely hope and pray that they both live long, that their health will be good, and that their activity will flourish. These are the kinds of people who will shatter the hearts and minds of many of those spoiled, uneducated, completely uninformed “holiness” incarnates who do nothing.
Sadly, whenever there are such great beings as these khenpos, there will always be jealousy and envy. For example, I recently read on a Tibetan website that, in response to the demolition of buildings in Sertar Larung, some Tibetans mockingly asked where their great protector Gesar was, and had he been given so much alcohol that he was too drunk to help.
To those who, from jealousy, mock Gesar and these khenpos, I have this to say: When the Serta Larung demolition began for whatever reasons, Khenpos Tsultrim Lodro and Sodargye firmly told their followers not to react at all. So no single cry of anger was heard and no harsh word uttered through the whole demolition.
That is the practice taught by someone called Sakyamuni Buddha – not to slander when slandered, not to respond to harsh words with more harsh words, not to beat others when beaten. And as disciples of Sakyamuni Buddha, this is what Khenpos Tsultrim Lodro and Sodargye and their followers actually achieved at Serta Larung.
If that attainment is not the protection of Gesar of Ling, then I don’t know what is. Personally, I would knight Gesar of Ling as the very highest of all protectors for this accomplishment.

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