Thursday, February 16, 2017

Published on Feb 15, 2017President Obama is behind a coordinated attack against the Trump administration, the purpose of which is to so weaken President Trump that he can be removed from office, either by impeachment, or forcing his resignation by using the 25th Amendment.
According to an unnamed source speaking exclusively to the National Enquirer, after Trump’s election, at least two secret meetings took place with Obama appointees of 7 key federal agencies to coordinate the Trump takedown strategy after he became president. According to the source:

“Obama was not present – but it was made clear his agenda and orders were to be carried out.”

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Good morning, I’m still reporting on Enquirer: Obama's Plan to Impeach Trump, 1499

Bill Still is a former newspaper editor and publisher. He has written for USA Today, The Saturday Evening Post, the Los Angeles Times Syndicate, OMNI magazine, and has also produced the syndicated radio program, Health News. He has written 22 books and two documentary videos and is the host of his wildly popular daily YouTube Channel the “Still Report”, the quintessential report on the economy and Washington.

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The One Year Survival Calendar via by Stefan Verstappen

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Paradise Stolen - Episode 1 - DON'T SHOW YOUR CHILDREN!

Pizzagate is REAL & Hostel 2 ISN'T Fiction

The attack of the big G spot!

Published on Feb 11, 2017
The big G spot! Strategies and tactics to avoid SEO golden showers from TPTB.

This video is a brief discussion of the recent coca-colaing = censorship of the alt media by the bit G spot.

The masters of the big G spot have instructed the working metal heads in the bowels of the googlebeast to ratchet down the valves on alt media under the guise of a plan that we call here the 'golden showers' such that traffic dries up and we all blow our way into history.

One of my thoughts, as this is all being done with algo's that have to work on linguistic structures, is to deliberately alter our own language patterns in videos and written material. Now, please note, this tactic is NOT trying to escape their algo, but rather, in a guerrilla 'fighter' fashion, we use this approach to derail the intent of the algo, and to co-opt it into 'being our bitch'.

The strategy of resistance, and this tactic, as well as a few others are discussed in this video about the subject.

Please note that in this description you will have been reading deliberately and precisely placed uses of specific language forms to start off the tactic with this very video.

So to note that the tainting talk includes the 'slap on the back of the guy wearing the tuxedo with your hand covered in stinking tar'. This tactic is illustrated by my reference to Casey Neistat, commonly known as the YouTube Sellout.

If you run a site that deals in real news, real stuff, conspiracy investigation, anti-globalist agenda, space aliens, out of place artifacts, milab (military abductions), gold, silver, bitcoin, alternative views on physics or chemistry, then you need to be monitoring your social media trends as the big G spot, and the equivalent masters of social over at Facebook, have decided to scrub the annoyance out of their lives, and that means you.

Among others.

This is where we have power; we out number the bastards. Yes, they have digital power, and lots of computing power, but we own the language that is their main source of tools to enslave us.

Another source of power is that computer software is dumb. Really really dumb. Ain't no such thing as AI, or machine is all just very very very fast idiots able to do some maths. But computers do not understand any of the following: words, context, connotations, denotation, grammar, slang. Thus we own their algo's, should we decide to use that power.

Remember, change your language and the whole of the big G spot MUST spend tons of money, time, and energy to change as well. They need that time, energy, and money to be and remain competitive. Every time you change your language usage, you degrade their algo's effectiveness and force them to address that issue.
Every time you change your language usage, you add a greater burden to the work loads at very key points in the operation of the big G spot.

Every time you make a human at the big G spot stop what they are doing to deal with your irritations, you have cost them money, time, and energy. And added to the growing cognitive dissonance burden on all the staff at the big G spot.

You see, once the good people involved at the big G spot learn that their organization is effectively in contention with a very sizable and growing portion of their user base, including many of their friends and family on the outside of the big G spot, the staff morale will be also under pressure, which further contributes to lower productivity, and lower revenues....

further if the tactics suggested in this video are used they create a giant headache for the big G spot as it will fundamentally alter their ability to do their primary work which is to index web sites and return those sites along with advertising to your search request. Yes, the indexing depends on an 'organic' language usage pattern being consistent. Once we all start using CNN as an equivalent word for 'cluster sex on a street corner', how long will CNN be able to also use that without widespread ridicule whenever it is seen? You know, like in Idiocracy....the 'full body latte' effect. If we change the context and connotations of our language, their indexing is just one big CNN.

Please note that there are a number of tactics suggested in this video, and more are invited from the viewing public.

Help us help you!

Your favorite woo-woo guys are under attack!

Please share this video!

Let's have a big big big public discussion about this sort of background level censorship and mind control by certain buttheads who don't want you to know the truth!

Https:// for our ALTA reports that provide a glimpse of the future developing around you now!

Remember, it is your language! Use it against them!


clif high
fighting against buttheads is our hobby
no censorship
predictive linguistics
web bots
woo woo
alternative media
main stream media
washington post
new york times

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

China Can't Beat The BULL Out Of BITCOIN -- Andrew Hoffman

By and large, human beings tend to prefer to fit in to society by following accepted rules of etiquette and being gentle, polite, and respectful. The irony is that this is also how most people imagine a spiritual person should behave. When a so-called dharma practitioner is seen to behave badly, we shake our heads over her audacity at presenting herself as a follower of the Buddha. Yet such judgments are better avoided, because to “fit in” is not what a genuine dharma practitioner strives for.

Think of Tilopa, for example. He looked so outlandish that if he turned up on your doorstep today, you probably would refuse to let him in. And you would have a point. He would most likely be almost completely naked; if you were lucky, he might be wearing some kind of G-string; his hair would never have been introduced to shampoo; and protruding from his mouth would quiver the tail of a live fish. What would your moral judgment be of such a being? “Him! A Buddhist?” This is how our theistic, moralistic, and judgmental minds work. Of course, there is nothing wrong with morality, but the point of spiritual practice, according to the vajrayana teachings, is to go beyond all our concepts, including those of morality.

~ Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, mountain, cloud, outdoor and nature

Reviving Indian Wisdom in Contemporary India

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Jan 27 2017

Are you electrified by the fervor of sign holding and marching against oppressive factions of our government at the will of and/or in favor of other oppressive factions of our government?
Do you revel in your newfound wokeness, adoration of like minded thinkers and have a short list of stats supporting one party over the other?
Are you convinced that with the right sign, droning chant or combination of (s)elected officials and laws ..that there will exist equality,safety, peace and security for all?
You are most likely suffering from a modern version of Stockholm Syndrome called SAD. SAD is an acronym meaning STATE APPROVED DISAPPROVAL on the streets its called 
The Woke, Woke,Lucid Confusid, Sleepwoken, and The Woken Dead , among other things. 
That's the bad news 
The good news is... there's help!
If you or someone you love is suffering from SAD
immediately. ..
look in the mirror, stare deep into your beautiful eyes and know that you've been lied to, mislead, programmed to think what you think and react how you react.
let it sink in.
take a deep breath.
now go humble yourself an ego detox for 5-6 decades 
leave Babylon in mind, spirit, and actions
be always altruistic and do so without recognition 
refuse all television programming until your conscious mind can identify symbolism, predictive programming and subliminal messaging.

Via Jahson Osita facebook

This Week in Stupid (05/02/2017)