Tuesday, January 2, 2018

“Of all the forces of nature, I should think the wind contains

the largest amount of motive power—that is, power to move

things. Take any given space of the earth’s surface— for

instance, Illinois; and all the power exerted by all the men,

and beasts, and running-water, and steam, over and upon it,

shall not equal the one hundredth part of what is exerted by

the blowing of the wind over and upon the same space.

“And yet it has not, so far in the world’s history, become

proportionably valuable as a motive power. It is applied

extensively, and advantageously, to sail-vessels in

navigation. Add to this a few windmills, and pumps, and you

have about all. … As yet, the wind is an untamed, and

unharnessed force; and quite possibly one of the greatest

discoveries hereafter to be made, will be the taming, and

harnessing of it.”

– President Abraham Lincoln

De toute les forces de la nature. Je crois que le vent

contieent la plus grande quantite d’energie potentielle, le

pouvoir de bouger les choses. Prenoms n’importe espace sur la

surface de la plane, par exemple, l’était de l’Illinois et

tout le pouvoir combinee de la force excerce pour tout les

hommes, betes , eau, vapeur, n’equivaut pas le centieme partie

de ce quil est exercee par le souffle du vent au dessus et sur

la meme espace.

« Etant dit il existe pas dans l’histoire du monde, devenu

assez valable proportionellement pour devenir une force

motive. Il est appliquee extensivement et avantageusement pour

les navires a voile en navigation marine. Ajoutez a cela

quelques turbine a vent, pompes and c’est tout ce quil existe

(presentement.)   Jusqu’à present le vent est ((((())))) pas

conquis et possiblement une des plus grandes decouvertes sera

de la conquir et chevaucher.

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Monday, January 1, 2018

Only recently has the Karmapa been allowed to leave India and visit abroad. Shoulder to shoulder with the Dalai Lama, he offers a glimpse into the future of modern Dharma, thought, psychology and empathy. #BeAlightWhereThereIsDarkess

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