Saturday, November 12, 2016

Congressman Dennis Kucinich

Congressman Dennis Kucinich speaks on the wave of creative potential available with simple reform of our monetary policy at the 12th Annual AMI Monetary Reform Conference, University Center, Downtown Chicago, Saturday October 1, 2016.


William George
William George1 month ago (edited)

We don't have to live in poverty anymore, we don't have to live in sickness anymore, we don't have to live in war anymore, we don't have to live in debt anymore. Every kid who wants to go to college can do so tuition free. We don't have to have people living on the street anymore. Everyone can have a home. Everyone can have a Guaranteed Annual Income. Creativity can be unleashed on earth everywhere. We have the work of Stephen Zarlenga to carry into the public space. #occupytheneedact and Stephen Zarlenga has made the world of abundance possible for us all. His work, what he has given to us is as important as Newton, Galileo, Einstein, Darwin, Copernicus, Archimedes, Pythagoras and Tesla all put together.
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Jamie Walton
Jamie Walton1 month ago
Wow! - The greatest political speech ever … so far!
I know even better is yet to come.
Reply 3

stephanhaak501 week ago
Poor to refer to Copernicus with a heliocentric model. Now we know Copernicus was complete wrong.
Polaris is seen from the Southern hemisphere. So, our earth is not a ball.
But I will agree with Tesla who was really a genius.
The monetary system needs a makeover.. It's sick that 'someone' start the moneypress and we became modern slaves (3% here in Holland for a morgage) of these guys. Sick!
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