Thursday, December 22, 2016

Facts you need to know about Syria

Dec 22 2016

Facts you need to know about Syria

• The Assad family belongs to the tolerant Islam of Alawid

• Syrian women have the same rights as men to study, health

and education.
• Syria women are not forced to wear the burqa. The Sharia

(Islamic law) is unconstitutional.
• Syria is the only Arab country with a secular constitution

and does not tolerate Islamic extremist movements.
• Roughly 10% of the Syrian population belongs to one of the

many Christian denominations, all fully integrated in Syrian

political and social life.
• In other Arab countries the Christian population is less

than 1% due to sustained hostility.
• Syria has banned genetically modified (GMO) seeds, stating

his decision was made in order “to preserve human health,”
• Syria has an opening to Western society and culture like no

other Arab country.
• Its media and universities openly debate the global power

elite’s influence in things. This means that they fully grasp

the fact that real power in the West lies not in the White

House but rather with the complex and powerful grid of elite

think-tanks and central banks.
• Throughout history there have been five popes of Syrian

origin. Religious tolerance is unique in the area.
• Prior to the current civil war, Syria was one of the only

peaceful countries in the area, having avoided major wars or

internal conflicts.
• Syria was the only country that admitted Iraqi refugees

without any social, political or religious discrimination
• Syria clearly and unequivocally opposes Zionism and the

Israel government.
• Following a massive oil find in Syria's Golan Heights,

occupied by Israel since 1967, Netanyahu recently asked Obama

to recognize its annexation of the territory. To consolidate

its hold, plans are afoot to quadruple Israeli settler numbers

to 100,000.

And the most two important points:
• Syria is one of the only countries in the Middle East

without debts to the International Monetary Fund ( Pre-

invasion Libya & Iran the only others )
• Syria is the only Mediterranean country which remains the

owner of its oil company, with an oil reserve of 2,500 million

barrels, the operation of which has avoided privatization and

is reserved exclusively for state-owned enterprises.

So now ask yourself, why are we truly attempting to overthrow

yet another government? What are we hoping to fix here?

If the recent invasions and illegal assassinations of

Presidents like Qaddafi and Saddam have taught us anything, it

should be the understanding of the blowback effect of such

lawless actions by the West and the vacuum of chaos that

always supersedes it.

Debt Conquer. Invent a reason to invade and destroy, then

offer $Trillions in IMF funding to rebuild... conveniently

paid back by control of your oil fields and the free access to

build gas pipelines to the west.


How ISIS Was Created Part 2…

How ISIS Was Created Part 1…

Israel to annex Golan Heights after 'billion barrel' oil find…/israel_to_annex_golan_heights…

Image may contain: 2 people, sunglasses

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