Saturday, April 15, 2017

Horst Mahler – last public appearance before returning to prison 19 Apri...

Published on Apr 15, 2017
Former lawyer and political activist, Horst Mahler was sentenced to ten years and two months in prison for incitement to racial hatred. He was released after serving seven years because of health problems. A speech given last January in Ludwigshafen caused the authorities to recall Mahler to prison to finish off his sentence. This is possibly the last time he will appear in public. Therefore, his message is both moving and of the utmost importance.



*Original translation from German to French by Didi18

This might be the last opportunity for me to address my German compatriots.
I am supposed to start serving my prison sentence on April 19, 2017, for another 3.5
years. I am 81 years old, and there are three more charges pending, and it's always
about the same thing: incitement - this time, to the disadvantage of Jewry.
So this is an opportunity for them to remove me from the public sphere without my
getting another chance to return to politics.
I would like to use this occasion to say a few things about this particular situation,
and what we are facing.
The reason they decided to put me back into prison was a talk I had given in
Ludwigshafen on January 9, 2017, which obviously hit the enemy; it angered him.
They are playing a game here, which has not yet come to the attention of the general
public at all. I had been sentenced to 10 years and 2 months in prison. Having served
two-thirds of my term, I am now entitled to be released from prison on parole, in
accordance with German law.
This decision was met in my favour by the responsible judge at Potsdam Regional
Court. In a written statement, he reasoned his decision by saying that my continued
imprisonment would be a violation of human rights.
And he also pointed out that: 1. he was apprehensive about the legal punishment of
so-called Holocaust denial, and 2. my sentence of 10 years and 2 months in prison
was completely out of the ordinary.
He drew a comparison to the penalties for rapists and murders, who get much less.
In other words, he was rather outspoken and daring, but his decision in my favour has
been revoked by higher authorities.
As a consequence, I am now to serve the rest of my sentence in confinement. The
enforcement of the sentence, then, has been interrupted only because I was unfit for
prison due to my health.
It started with the amputation of my left leg up to the thigh, which impairs my
walking in a major way now. Prior to this, there had been a series of health issues that
eventually led up to this amputation. All in all, I had been diagnosed with 21
ailments, including cardiac insufficiency, kidney failure, etc.
All of the doctors said: "He's not fit for prison."


LoV SonG 
What a travesty of justice. Assault on free speech for any who question the holocaust?!
There is no freedom of speech anymore in Europe. SAD.
Paul H 
"If large numbers of people believe in freedom of speech, there will be freedom of speech even if the law forbids it. But if public opinion is sluggish, inconvenient minorities will be persecuted, even if laws exist to protect them." ~ George Orwell
Jeb Bush 
I have the utmost respect for someone who will not give up his principles in the face of such overwhelming adversity.

Hail victory.
irish brother 
Jewish Terrorists and their Holohoax must be wiped out
vidia cuda 
Look for the National Socialist german on Instagram: @guipreising He has
over 62K! Let´s help him to unite NS around the world. Sieg Heil!
Jack Burton 
I agree with the general tenor of his arguments even if some facts are in dispute. Jews are the foremost problem in the Western world. There is no doubt about that. Anyone who disputes that is either willfully ignorant or a sociopathic liar.

I have sympathy for his situation. Obviously that is an example of pure tyranny which rightfully those judges should be hanged for along with anyone else associated with it. It happens in America too. They have railroaded numerous people like the lawyer Edgar Steele whose own wife said the charges were not true. They concocted a bogus plot that he wanted to murder his wife and framed him for it. He died in prison. That's what they do with threats to their tyrannical order. They don't have to kill you. They just throw you in prison on trumped up charges and you die there.
Sick of these thots 
the jews need to be stopped
vidia cuda 
Look for the National Socialist german on Instagram: @guipreising He has
over 62K! Let´s help him to unite NS around the world. Sieg Heil!
J-Louis Declercq 
who is this guy??
vidia cuda 
Look for the National Socialist german on Instagram: @guipreising He has
over 62K! Let´s help him to unite NS around the world. Sieg Heil!

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