Monday, October 9, 2017

Dusum Sangye Guru Rinpoche

Dusum Sangye Guru Rinpoche
Ngodrub Kundag Dewa Chenpo Shab
Barchey Kunsel Dudul Dragpo Tsal
Solwa Debso Jingyi Labtu Sol
Chinang Sangwey Barchey Shiwa Dang
Sampa Lhungyi Drubpar Jingyi Lob

Guru Rinpoche, Buddha of the three times,
Lord of all siddhis who is the one of great bliss,
Dispeller of all obstacles, wrathful tamer of Mara,
We supplicate you; please grant your blessings.
Grant your blessings that outer, inner and secret obstacles be pacified
And that our intentions be spontaneously accomplished

It would be very beneficial to recite the “Dusum Sangye Guru Rinpoche” supplication, also known as Buddha of the Three Times. This prayer has the power to remove the outer obstacles created by the four elements, the inner obstacles of physical sickness due to energy imbalance in our body, and the secret obstacles of depression and neuroses stemming from our grasping mind. — Tsoknyi Rinpoche

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