Tuesday, December 26, 2017

"The biggest threats to Bitcoin

"The biggest threats to Bitcoin. I think, Bitcoin isn't just a technology, it's also a community. And, actually probably one of the most effective ways of attacking that community is by spreading disinformation, creating dissent, and [creating] arguments and drama within the Bitcoin community. And I would be very surprised if Bitcoin is the first community—that is an activist grassroots community—that is not fully fully infiltrated by a whole bunch of intelligence services, and corporate spies, and bullshit artists who are trying to cause problems. Why? Because historically we know that every single grassroots activist movement: the environmentalists, the feminists, the anti-war activists—all of them—the communists, the labor unions, have been infiltrated, have been filled with propaganda, have had active agents creating drama. Reddit, I'm talking about you.
So, my advice is: focus on the technology, the technology is real. The drama isn't real, it's completely fake. Some of it is just idiots. Some of it is paid people who are doing this as a job. And I try to pay as little attention to the drama as possible. That's one of the risks for Bitcoin. Fragmentation of the community slows things down. If the brightest programmers we have are spending all day dealing with trolls on Reddit, they're not writing code. Right? And that's a danger for our system." —Andreas Antonopoulos

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