Friday, March 8, 2019


Thanks for sharing your story. I’m a Mexican teacher living in California who’s NOT a democratic. I often feel like I have to live in the closet because my conservative views are outlawed out here. This is not freedom. An increasing amount of control freaks somehow believe that they have the right to control how we think. Not gonna happen. We shouldn’t be using our differences against each other. That’s not diversity. Good luck to you with your friends. Speak the truth in love. You may not get love back but you may leave them with something to reconsider in their private time.
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ja smith
Conservatism is the new counter culture.
Gaudia Certaminis
Well presented. Despite all the rainbow flags the left do appear to be draining the colour out of everything.
Welcome to the dark-side Hon.  Don't worry most of us evil right wingers in reality are just centrist, who love their family, country, and freedoms.  We just don't wake up dreaming about how we can get offended today.  Best wishes.
R. Kester
"I just wanna be with the people having fun."

Love it. That's slogan material right there. 👍🤣
Anthony Fisher
sounds like you miss America. good for you. oh and vote right.
Sara D
I love your perspective and it is so true. Since walking away, I feel so much happier and more patriotic than I have in years. I am excited to vote and have my voice heard. I feel like I have a voice and don't have to watch everything I say, anymore. Not that I go out of my way to offend people, but the trigger warnings and PC language has gotten insane. I love my free speech! I encourage you to keep writing fiction. If you self-publish you can write whatever you want to write!
I came to criticize laundry folding. Who taught you how to fold a towel? 😣

I'm joking.
Just Deplorable
It warms the cockles of my heart to see you guys look in the rear view mirror and say "what the hell is going on back there!", like you just escaped a zombie infested Thanks for sharing!
Joe Duke
A really bizarre fact is... I fully supported women's liberation in the 1960's, but by early 1970's realized the Marxists had co-opted the women's liberation movement, and the women I was proud to march with, suddenly wanted me DEAD! Literally! That's why I walked away. What I've seen now all these years is, less and less of the LEFT even knows their own history, or in fact... care. So there are MANY stories like yours, of recent realizations, as if the tyranny of Marxism Feminism, is a new thing.
Michael Nordman
I miss TV shows and movies that aren't stuffed full of overt feminist propaganda too.

They doubled-down and got far worse all right, maybe quadrupled down. I was hoping the Democrats would take a thoughtful look in the mirror and catch themselves after 2016.. What a naive pipe dream that was. It's Trump 2020 for me, unless the #IDW can somehow right the far left listing of the democratic ship. I don't have a lot of hope for that. Who knows, the #DW may have a better chance of reconstituting the republican party than they do the democratic party. The democratic party has very horribly lost its way, so many are abandoning ship and the only ship on the horizon large enough to hold anyone is the republican party. Most of the #IDW types have affinity with the former democratic party, so they want to fix that, but it may be busted beyond their capacity to repair.

What are the odds that Bill Maher votes for Trump in 2020 :)
Matt Fehr
Thank you soo much for this video ! as someone who used to be an aspiring comedian, the left and political correctness has ruined ''fun''. fun has turned into ''hate'' and virtue signaling like its a contest on how to be offended. Look at late night TV anymore.. smh. I left the DNC recently because of this and just the amount of victimhood and blaming white people for the worlds problems..racism is racism.
Field of Dreams
Wow! That was awesome. Find like minded people and don't look back, you will be just fine. I'm still smiling.
Caca Bear
I watch/follow you on Twitter because you’re honest & passionate about what you believe. We differ on some things which is what keeps everything interesting but the main points of the oppressor vs oppressed views of the world is doing real damage. Leftism is really hurting laughter, joy, love, fun.
John Peters
Wow, I really got on the ground level with you because your video is great and I am only the 21st person to give you a thumb's up, lol. Well, you're right on the mark. Totally agree with everything you said. Thanks for making this video, every time one more of these great videos are made it's like another soldier in the army of the good guys. And gals! Any way, you're very cool. If you make more videos I'll watch them!
Harry Mills
Also, when you focus on income inequality, you lose sight of the FACT that capitalism lifts up the lowest FAR better than collectivist solutions. Would you rather be supported by government in a society devoid of opportunities or would you rather have a good-paying job? Those good-paying jobs for people on the bottom DISAPPEAR when Democrats play their "fairness" and "equity" game. And "inclusion" is just a euphemism for "low expectations." ALL people benefit by being held to high standards and MEETING them. Meritocracy.
Ela Neradim
thank you
so important
the party is above everything - in fascist regime
an absolute obeying to the party - in totalitarian regime
no due process - in a dictatorial regime
the D party is not even trying to hide that this is what she is, and that this is what she plans for the country to be.
Saundra Lee
I've said it before and I'll say it again...TDS ruins everything. Whether it be a famous person's funeral or your creative mojo; Trump derangement syndrome seems to have the power to drain the colors from a rainbow. 😔
Ronald Olson
Joe N.
God Bless you, another person (like me) becoming normal again.
Matt Portnoy
I understand why people supported Bernie and he definitely got the shaft from the DNC, BUT...why doesn’t Bernie complain about that? Instead he’s turned himself into a DNC mouthpiece, WTH.
The Crafty Author
I too was a fiction writer and left because of the political narrative. I started publishing in 2013 and left earlier this year. There’s a lot of hate for those who don’t subscribe to the liberal agenda in that field. I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling this way. And I too, miss writing and creating art with my words.
You are a voice of reason.
Your great in front of the camera. welcome aboard:)
Elizabeth S
A REALLY good message and you're correct about the Left killing the JOY in the arts as well as in our everyday lives.
I feel sad for them because I KNOW how much energy it takes to sustain so much ANGER at FULL BOIL yet what normal person wants a steady diet of THAT?
p.s. I LOVE that you're multi-tasking by folding laundry as you recored 'cause that's just what Mom's do! :D
Nice ! Multitasking!
Dakota Blaze
That same pressure happened in my art field. Everyone was switching to. "narrative" art about oppression. If you weren't doing that kind of art, you weren't relevant.
Yaelra R.
So much of what you said I see as a teacher using fiction books in the classroom. The books are awful due to the fact the writers are so controlled by the democrats and their ideology.
Bernie Sanders is clearly not the answer.
All these democrats are corrupt low lifes. We have to face reality. I'm a proud Conservative and so far life is great.
I'm not looking back.
kevdone w
you are a woman you have a voice you have a choice you can have a stand you can have a right to disagree you have a chance to make a difference even if we don't see eye too eye and that is the greatest thing you can have a choice and it shouldn't cost you friends or family but the Republicans give you that opportunity to agree to disagree so you can voice your opinion and vote your choice what a concept
Doug Leppard
Wow that was an interesting perspective. thanks for sharing. MAFA = "Make America Fun Again"
Wow. I can barely fold laundry. Never mind multitask and talk politics.
Thank you for video. I live in 97% liberal DC area. If Clinton or Bernie had won, how much crazier would the SJWs be today? As a former liberal, the Dem party walked away from me a decade ago.
Good for you gurl! Preach the word!
Hang in there on your personal journey. You are not alone. It's difficult losing longtime friends over this even when you have been a right of center Republican your whole life because you believe in American economic nationalism (a big Bernie plank) and not globalism, but just not big goverment. But your friends think you support white nationalism, hate women & a xenophobe even though you are married to a non-white immigrant, and left your high paying engineer job (because your wife's job pays way more and she sacrificed more to earn her profession) to raise the kids & be a stay at home dad because you supported Trump in the general election over Hillary.

As for kaoroke, I have a killer rendition of Prince's "Kiss" that I once sung in an overwhelmingly black kaoroke bar and I brought the house down with black men and women telling me how awesome it was and how much justice I gave the song (in 1996). Why? Cause I love Prince and his music and I communicated that in my performance and the audience knew that too...I wasn't "appropriating"; I was expressing my love for his talent with whatever talent I could wring out of my talentless body.

Good Luck and glad to see you.


Arlo Rene
I am proud of you.
I laughed at the Revenge of the Nerds reference and more. Thank you for sharing with us.
Laura Yale
Can you explain the nose ring? Just don't get the appeal. Obama years ratcheted up PC to a nonsensical level. Strangle hold on everyone in the USA and Western Civilizations. IMHO they quadrupled down. Any victim can always blame white men or conservative white woman. (Loved the tweet joke!)
The Buddy Plays
I love your story. You're not alone!
Your video made me laugh out loud. So true.
Walked away and spent the 15 min to switch parties

Politicians breaking people into groups never ends well.

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